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TPD TPO TPR O2 Temperature-Programmed Oxidation (O2 TPO) Samples were pretreated at 150°C for 2 hours under a helium (He) flow of 30 mL/min to ensure the removal of any physically adsorbed species and to stabilize the sample. Following pretreatment, the temperature was ramped from room temperature (RT) to 800°C at a rate of 10°C/min. An oxidizing gas mixture of 5% O2 in helium (He) was used, with a flow ra.. 2024. 4. 26.
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기기업체, 3롤밀 https://suflux.tistory.com/347 2024. 3. 8.
디지털 혁신이 강조된 「2024년 10대 바이오 미래유망기술」 발표 https://www.ibric.org/bric/trend/bio-news.do?mode=view&articleNo=9889108#!/list 디지털 혁신이 강조된 「2024년 10대 바이오 미래유망기술」 발표 | 뉴스 > Bio뉴스 > 동향 | BRIC - 차세대 롱리드 시퀀싱(플랫폼바이오), 마이크로바이옴 표적 항암백신(레드바이오), 기후변화 대응 디지털 육종(그린바이오), ... www.ibric.org 2024. 2. 28.