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노바백스, 백신 소개

by 은빛의계절 2021. 8. 13.




* Protein-based vaccine

* Covid spike protein + Immune activator (Saponin) 


COVID 바이러스의 spike protein DNA를 Baculovirus 에 넣어서 Moth Cells에 넣어주면 

내부에서 해당 spike protein을 많이 만들어낸다. 

이걸 모아서 immune activator (Matrix M?), saponin과 함께 백신으로 사용한다. 


saponin*과 Covid19 spike protein이 있는 Nanoparticle을 처리해주면 immune system이 활성화되고 

1. Macrophage

2. T cell "Helper" 

3. Activate B Cell 

매크로파지와 T-Cell에 의해 spike protein에 대항하는 시스템을 갖추게 된다. 



Saponins, naturally occurring glycosides and triterpene glycosides in plants, are considered useful in the prophylaxis and treatment of several disorders, including malignancy. The effect of these substances is partly attributable to induction of both apoptosis and necrosis. Saponin has previously been shown to trigger hemolysis. Erythrocytes may avoid hemolysis by entering programmed cell death or eryptosis, characterized by cell shrinkage and cell membrane scrambling, leading to phosphatidylserine exposure at the erythrocyte surface. Eryptosis is triggered by increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) activity ([Ca(2+)](i)). The present study explored, whether exposure of human erythrocytes to saponin modifies [Ca(2+)](i), ceramide formation, hemolysis, and eryptosis. Cell volume was estimated from forward scatter, phosphatidylserine exposure from annexin V binding, hemolysis from hemoglobin release, [Ca(2+)](i) from Fluo3-fluorescence, and ceramide utilizing specific antibodies. A 24 h exposure to saponin (15 µg/ml) resulted in a significant increase of annexin V binding and a significant stimulation of hemolysis. Saponin (15 µg/ml) further increased [Ca(2+)](i) and ceramide formation. Annexin V binding was significantly blunted but not abrogated in the nominal absence of extracellular Ca(2+). Saponin thus triggers cell membrane scrambling, an effect partially due to entry of extracellular Ca(2+) and ceramide formation.



7월 기준 alpha 변이에 대해서 93%, beta 변이에 대해서 55% 이상의 백신 효능을 보여주고 있다. 


